PRAYER REQUEST FORM Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.1. State what the problem is. (Please write legibly or type it). *(Please use additional sheet(s) to continue answering any of the questions if the space provided is inadequate and indicate the number of the question on the sheet(s))2. What do you want God to do for you?3. How long have you been facing this problem? 4. What have you done since the problem started? 5. If it is sickness, have you seen your doctor and what did the doctor say your sickness is? 6. What kind sort of treatments have you been given? 7. Have you seen any improvement since or after you have received the treatments?8. What we expect and encourage you to do as we pray and intercede on your behalf Some of the things we expect and encourage those who ask for God’s intervention in their problems to do for their benefit and to support God’s work for his glory are: To have faith and believe in God for with God all things are possible and everything is possible for him who believes. [Mk. 11:22; 10:27; 9:23] God loves you and will not abandon or leave you in the hand of your enemy or allow you to be put to shame. [Heb.13:5]To accept Jesus as your Lord and personal saviour and surrender your life to him first if you have not yet done this because he is your saviour, healer and deliverer given to you by God the Father and you cannot go to the Father except through him. [John 14:6].To testify to the goodness of the Lord and let other people know what God has done for you when he has answered your prayer requests and to know that the sovereign Lord is who he says he is and Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever. [Heb. 13:8] He does not change.You can then make whatever contribution you would like to make for the advancement of the gospel of Christ as King David said, “I will not sacrifice to God that which costs me nothing.” [2 Sam. 24:24] We do not charge any money for praying and interceding for people. God wants you to honour him with your wealth. [Pro. 3:9]8.1. Would you like to testify to the goodness of the Lord as stated in (ii) above, which means that you will send your testimony to us? (Please tick as appropriate) Yes [ ]. No. [ ] Without disclosing your personal details, we will use the testimony to strengthen the faith others, inspire and encourage others to have faith in God since faith comes by hearing these types of messages. [Rom. 10:17] Faith is very important for you to receive from the Lord for without faith it is impossible to please God. [Heb. 11:6] *YesNo8.2. While we will be praying for you, we also encouraged you to read books that will increase your faith in God especially those that contain testimonies of how God answered prayers and help thousands of people like you. Books such as “Take my Healing to people and nations” and “The Charter of your Divine Rights” are good faith builders. You can order it through our website or use the email given herein this form to order them. Have you already accepted Jesus as your Lord and personal saviour? Yes [ ] No. [ ] 8.3 If No., are you willing to receive him into your life as your Lord and personal saviour? Yes [ ] No. [ ]. *YesNoIf Yes, please call us to pray special confessional prayers of salvation with you. If No. we encourage you to think again and come back to us for more information. It is a good thing to do. It is the most important and best decision you can make for yourself. You will be happy and will not regret it. 8.3. What would you like to do or what contribution would you like to make in order to honour the Lord and support the advancement of the good news and the gospel of Christ?Name *FirstLastEmail *AddressTel NumberYou can send your prayer requests to us using the above email or by post, GPN, 13 Royal Close, London, SE8 5PR. Once your prayer requests are received, we will send you one of our Faith Builder leaflets, “Reflecting on the Positive Side of Life.”CommentSubmit
Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.1. State what the problem is. (Please write legibly or type it). *(Please use additional sheet(s) to continue answering any of the questions if the space provided is inadequate and indicate the number of the question on the sheet(s))2. What do you want God to do for you?3. How long have you been facing this problem? 4. What have you done since the problem started? 5. If it is sickness, have you seen your doctor and what did the doctor say your sickness is? 6. What kind sort of treatments have you been given? 7. Have you seen any improvement since or after you have received the treatments?8. What we expect and encourage you to do as we pray and intercede on your behalf Some of the things we expect and encourage those who ask for God’s intervention in their problems to do for their benefit and to support God’s work for his glory are: To have faith and believe in God for with God all things are possible and everything is possible for him who believes. [Mk. 11:22; 10:27; 9:23] God loves you and will not abandon or leave you in the hand of your enemy or allow you to be put to shame. [Heb.13:5]To accept Jesus as your Lord and personal saviour and surrender your life to him first if you have not yet done this because he is your saviour, healer and deliverer given to you by God the Father and you cannot go to the Father except through him. [John 14:6].To testify to the goodness of the Lord and let other people know what God has done for you when he has answered your prayer requests and to know that the sovereign Lord is who he says he is and Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever. [Heb. 13:8] He does not change.You can then make whatever contribution you would like to make for the advancement of the gospel of Christ as King David said, “I will not sacrifice to God that which costs me nothing.” [2 Sam. 24:24] We do not charge any money for praying and interceding for people. God wants you to honour him with your wealth. [Pro. 3:9]8.1. Would you like to testify to the goodness of the Lord as stated in (ii) above, which means that you will send your testimony to us? (Please tick as appropriate) Yes [ ]. No. [ ] Without disclosing your personal details, we will use the testimony to strengthen the faith others, inspire and encourage others to have faith in God since faith comes by hearing these types of messages. [Rom. 10:17] Faith is very important for you to receive from the Lord for without faith it is impossible to please God. [Heb. 11:6] *YesNo8.2. While we will be praying for you, we also encouraged you to read books that will increase your faith in God especially those that contain testimonies of how God answered prayers and help thousands of people like you. Books such as “Take my Healing to people and nations” and “The Charter of your Divine Rights” are good faith builders. You can order it through our website or use the email given herein this form to order them. Have you already accepted Jesus as your Lord and personal saviour? Yes [ ] No. [ ] 8.3 If No., are you willing to receive him into your life as your Lord and personal saviour? Yes [ ] No. [ ]. *YesNoIf Yes, please call us to pray special confessional prayers of salvation with you. If No. we encourage you to think again and come back to us for more information. It is a good thing to do. It is the most important and best decision you can make for yourself. You will be happy and will not regret it. 8.3. What would you like to do or what contribution would you like to make in order to honour the Lord and support the advancement of the good news and the gospel of Christ?Name *FirstLastEmail *AddressTel NumberYou can send your prayer requests to us using the above email or by post, GPN, 13 Royal Close, London, SE8 5PR. Once your prayer requests are received, we will send you one of our Faith Builder leaflets, “Reflecting on the Positive Side of Life.”CommentSubmit