

As one of those called to stand in the gap for people and nations of the world, you can see the importance and great need to respond to God’s word and pray in line with the scripture that says, “I urge, then, first of all that requests, prayers intercession and thanksgiving be made for everyone – for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness.” [1 Tim. 2:1-2] This is why we raise prayer network around the globe to pay in response to God’s word. You can join the network where ever you are. We are nondenominational. You do not need to leave your church except where you do not have a place of worship or you have a calling to establish independent ministry, then you can find out from us how you should go about getting started..

If you have a calling to pray and intercede for others or nations of the world, you should not waste more time, get in touch with us now. As you respond, along the way, God is going to intervene in your personal problem or anything that make life difficult and miserable for you. If you are worried about what you are facing or passing through now, the testimony below will go a long way to encourage you. After you read it rise up and respond to your calling. In the process whatever troubles facing you now will be a thing of the past as it was in my own case.