MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION FORM Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.1. TitleMr.Mrs.OtherTitle you would like to be called 2. Name *FirstMiddleLast2.1 The membership category you are applying forFull MemberReferral Member3. Date of birth4.1 Telephone and Email (Mobile)4.2 Home4.3 Work4.4 EmailEmailConfirm Email5. Mailing Address6. Are you born again Christian? YesNo7. Have you received the baptism of the Holy Spirit? YesNo8. Which church/Ministry do you attend now?9. Have you yet been able to identify your calling and gifts? YesNo10. If Yes, state what your calling and gifts are beginning with your calling:11. In the Network, we have six major groupings and areas that members will involve in praying and interceding for God’s intervention, which one do you have passion for? (You may refer to full details in the GPN Instrument). a) Group 1 Centre Stage Group is responsible for prying and interceding for members of all the prayer groupsFirst Choiceb) Group 2 ALFA Group is responsible for praying and interceding for activities covering Missions, Evangelism, Souls Winning, Outreaches, leaders of these activitiesc) Group 3 BRAVO Group is responsible for praying and interceding for God’s intervention in problems many families are facing – family institutiond) Group 4 GOLD Group is responsible for praying and interceding for God to touch people’s hearts to respond to the needs of orphans, disadvantaged and deprived people, disadvantaged and vulnerable children and young people, those from poor families, poor and needye) Group 5 SILVER Group is responsible for praying and interceding for sick people, those who are spiritually oppressed, those with metal problems, depressed people, those who are weak and frail, those living in fear, traumatised, harassed, intimidated and subjected to all sorts of attacks by the enemy as well as bereaved familiesf) Group 6 DIAMON Group is responsible for praying and interceding for authorities and for God to raise God fearing people to play leading roles in governments and lawmaking; to pray and intercede against problems facing our nations and claiming these nations for Christ; activities, practices and laws that are capable of limiting or interfering with the spread of the gospel of Christ and the fear of God in our society12. What kind of support will you require from the GPN to help you in your calling to serve in the network and your personal ministry?13. The GPN in conjunction with the GMACC do engage on missions in many countries abroad and organise Empowerment events and other activities to strengthen, build and equip people of God in order to achieve their full potentials including Empowerment and Healing Conferences, Capacity Building Training Workshops, Discipleship and Theology Learning courses, Prayer Conferences, Breakfast Get Together Meetings, Summer and Weekend Retreats and other outreach activities. Would you like to receive information on and attend these activities? YesNoIf this Form is given to you at any of our events, Please return it to any of the officers serving you at the meeting, otherwise: You may send it to us by post: GPN Central Administrator, 13 Royal Close, London, SE8 5PR. You may also complete this Form at our website and send it to us online or send it to us by attachment using PDF software or ‘Word’ through our email addresses given above. WebsiteSubmit
Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.1. TitleMr.Mrs.OtherTitle you would like to be called 2. Name *FirstMiddleLast2.1 The membership category you are applying forFull MemberReferral Member3. Date of birth4.1 Telephone and Email (Mobile)4.2 Home4.3 Work4.4 EmailEmailConfirm Email5. Mailing Address6. Are you born again Christian? YesNo7. Have you received the baptism of the Holy Spirit? YesNo8. Which church/Ministry do you attend now?9. Have you yet been able to identify your calling and gifts? YesNo10. If Yes, state what your calling and gifts are beginning with your calling:11. In the Network, we have six major groupings and areas that members will involve in praying and interceding for God’s intervention, which one do you have passion for? (You may refer to full details in the GPN Instrument). a) Group 1 Centre Stage Group is responsible for prying and interceding for members of all the prayer groupsFirst Choiceb) Group 2 ALFA Group is responsible for praying and interceding for activities covering Missions, Evangelism, Souls Winning, Outreaches, leaders of these activitiesc) Group 3 BRAVO Group is responsible for praying and interceding for God’s intervention in problems many families are facing – family institutiond) Group 4 GOLD Group is responsible for praying and interceding for God to touch people’s hearts to respond to the needs of orphans, disadvantaged and deprived people, disadvantaged and vulnerable children and young people, those from poor families, poor and needye) Group 5 SILVER Group is responsible for praying and interceding for sick people, those who are spiritually oppressed, those with metal problems, depressed people, those who are weak and frail, those living in fear, traumatised, harassed, intimidated and subjected to all sorts of attacks by the enemy as well as bereaved familiesf) Group 6 DIAMON Group is responsible for praying and interceding for authorities and for God to raise God fearing people to play leading roles in governments and lawmaking; to pray and intercede against problems facing our nations and claiming these nations for Christ; activities, practices and laws that are capable of limiting or interfering with the spread of the gospel of Christ and the fear of God in our society12. What kind of support will you require from the GPN to help you in your calling to serve in the network and your personal ministry?13. The GPN in conjunction with the GMACC do engage on missions in many countries abroad and organise Empowerment events and other activities to strengthen, build and equip people of God in order to achieve their full potentials including Empowerment and Healing Conferences, Capacity Building Training Workshops, Discipleship and Theology Learning courses, Prayer Conferences, Breakfast Get Together Meetings, Summer and Weekend Retreats and other outreach activities. Would you like to receive information on and attend these activities? YesNoIf this Form is given to you at any of our events, Please return it to any of the officers serving you at the meeting, otherwise: You may send it to us by post: GPN Central Administrator, 13 Royal Close, London, SE8 5PR. You may also complete this Form at our website and send it to us online or send it to us by attachment using PDF software or ‘Word’ through our email addresses given above. WebsiteSubmit